Active participation is essential to succeed in Computer Science Class. I expect all students to come to class prepared and ready to learn. Please be advised that students who do not come to class prepared will be penalized. Students are also expected to follow all school and technology rules at all times. Appropriate behavior in the classroom is imperative to learning. |
If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for the missing notes and projects due for the next class. Quizzes will be given to test the students progress in their learning. In Homework Due to the short amount of time students will be in attending this class, twice every 6 days. Completing Homework and Projects at home is integral to the success in this class. Students will either need to make an appointment with Mr. Tow to finish up assignments after school or complete the assignment anywhere there is Internet access. After School Computer Lab Times Students can make appointments with Mr. Tow to stay after school to complete any projects. Students must give Mr. Tow 48 hours notice to make sure the time is available for after school help. |
Grading Scale
100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D Below 60 F |
Percentage Breakdown
Participation 25% - Prepared for class, Actively Participating in Classwork, Willingness to try assignment, and classroom attitude Class Projects 70% - Individual/Class Projects, Tynker Programs, Group Assignments Formal Assessments 5% - Tynker Quizzes, Completion Percentage, Typing Test All Late Work over 5 days will be penalized 15 points. Some projects cannot be turned in late as I give plenty of class time to finish your work. If you are absent on the day the work is due. The work is still due. |